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Family Name: Liliaceae
Parts Used: Flower, Roots
Uses: The gel obtained from the inner part of the aloe leaf is used to treat burns, skin rashes, insect bites, healing wounds by drawing out infection, and preventing infection from starting and chafed nipples from breast-feeding. This gel can also be used internally to keep the bowels functioning smooth. It must be noticed that this medicine when taken internally causes intestinal cramping and there are other herbs that do this job better. This gel is best effective when used fresh rather than "stabilized" gels found in the stores. The fresh gel was used by Cleopatra to keep her skin soft and young.
Product offered: Fresh leaves, Aloe vera gel, Aloe vera powder
Natural Organic Lemon Juice.
ex works, anticipated payment
Liquors, young, crianza and reserva wines.
Varieties: Monastrell, Tempranillo and Merlot.
We have the NOP certification.
We are already selling around the world
La miel se deja fermentar por un periodo de 3 a 6 meses y puede consumirse sola, como endulzante de bebidas o como base de salsas dulces/ácidas.
Según la tradción esta miel tiene propiedades medicinales.
With its experience in cereals, EURO-NAT chose in 1999 to continue the tradition with Bisson and to improve the original recipes by using organically grown ingredients.
To replicate the original product, EURO-NAT decided to make the biscuits in the traditional way in the Peaugres plant, through its subsidiary TERRITOIRE.
To modernise the visual aspect of the BISSON products and make them even more appealing, the packaging was made more colourful and practical and a new logo was designed. The small bee on the packet reminds us of the origin of the brand and its creator.
More recently, the brand BISSON diversified to make other biscuits (cookies, tartlets, butter biscuits…) in order to satisfy all biscuit lovers.
Each recipe respects the original values of the brand.
Today BISSON represents more than 30 products, divided into several food families for the diverse opportunities of consumption: the AUTHENTICS family (shortbread), GINGERBREAD, the GOURMAND family (cookies, tartlets…)